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OLD - CARBOY By-Laws (1997-2007)

Started by MDixon, May 22, 2007, 07:36:10 AM

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Note: The bylaws were revised in July 2007


Article I- Purpose

Section 1- Purpose

To enjoy and promote the hobby of homebrewing.

Section 2- Goals

To engage in enjoyable social activities focused on homebrewing as a common foundation. To learn more about beer, beer tasting, beer judging and brewing techniques, based on sharing knowledge and experience. To promote the hobby and enjoyment of homebrewing. To promote the responsible use of alcoholic beverages.

Article II- Membership

Section 1- Eligibility

All persons who may legally drink alcohol in NC are eligible to join.

Section 2- Acceptance

All eligible persons who maintain their annual dues will be accepted.

Section 3- Memberships

A- Regular Members

Open to all persons as provided in Sections 1 and 2 of Article II.

Dues for regular members are set annually by the officers and approved by the membership along with the annual projected budget.

B- Associate Members

Open to all persons who are full or equivalent members of other homebrew clubs as approved by the executive committee. All approved clubs should provide similar benefits for Carboy members. Associate members may not become club officers or vote on club matters. Associate members may not represent Carboy in any matters. Dues for associate members will be set annually by the executive committee.

C- Complimentary Members

The executive committee shall approve annually a list of complimentary memberships of clubs that reciprocally exchange newsletters with Carboy. Complimentary memberships shall have no other benefits of membership.

Section 4- Guests

Members are encouraged to bring guests to club meetings and other events. Guests should be recognized by other members and encouraged to join our club.

Section 5- Membership Year

The membership year shall be the same as the fiscal year and shall run from July 1-June 30 each year.

Section 6- Non-Discrimination

Club membership shall not be denied to any person on the basis of race, sex, color, creed, or national origin.

Section 7-Hold Harmless Agreement

Participation in this club is entirely voluntary. Participation in club activities involves the consumption of alcoholic beverages and it may affect your perception and reactions. By joining Carboy, you as a member accept responsibility for your conduct, behavior, and actions. Participation includes any invited guests that accompany you on any club activity, wherever they may be held. All regular members will be required to sign a liability disclaimer.

Section 8- Rights and Liability of members

All regular members as defined in Article II Section 3 shall have the right to vote on club decisions. All other types of members shall not have the right to vote. The members of the club shall not be responsible for the debts of the club except as approved by the executive committee and by the membership. No member shall receive compensation for services rendered to the club. Club members may be reimbursed for reasonable expenses incurred on behalf of the club if approved by the executive committee. The finance directory may approve reimbursements up to $50.00 with sufficient documentation.

Section 9- Upgrading of Memberships

Any member may change to regular members by paying the difference in annual dues for that fiscal year.

Article III- Voting

Section 1- Eligibility

All regular members who are current on their annual dues may vote.

Section 2- Voting

The executive committee shall decide when and the kinds of issues and topics that should be voted on by the membership. Any member may request that the executive committee bring an issue to the full membership for a vote. The vote may be taken at that meeting or referred to the appropriate committee for further study. All items referred to a committee should be reported in the next published newsletter and a vote taken at the next scheduled meeting.

Section 3- Quorum

A quorum shall consist of at least two officers and one-fourth of the regular members or 15 regular members whichever is less. No official business of the club shall be conducted unless a quorum exists.

Section 4- Election Dates

Elections shall be held annually in June with new executive committee members to take office in July.

Section 5- Nominations

Nominations shall be made by an appointed nominating committee. Additional nominations to the proposed slate of officers may be made by any regular member.

Section 6-Voting Method

Voting is by controlled ballot. This means a ballot will be available to all regular members with one ballot per membership.

Article IV- Officers

Section 1- Executive Committee

The executive committee shall consist of the following officers who are elected according to Article III.


Vice-President for Education

Vice-President for Social Activities

Finance Director

Communications Director

Section 2- Executive Committee Duties

President - This member will conduct all monthly meetings and set the agenda for each meeting. Meetings other than the regular monthly meetings may be conducted by the chairman of the responsible committee. The president will appoint all committee chairman for all functioning committees.

Vice-President for Education - This member shall plan events for the membership that are educational. These events may be done at regular monthly meetings or at special meetings that are announced in the newsletter. These events may be seminars, brew-ins, trips to breweries/brewpubs or other events as created by the Vice-President. This member shall maintain or appoint a committee member to maintain the club library.

Vice-President for Social Activities - This member shall assist with all monthly meetings with the sharing of member beers. This member will chair or delegate a chair for all committees that plan and conduct other social events. Social activities for the membership will be announced in the newsletter to allow sufficient time for member involvement.

Finance Director - This member shall receive all funds for the club and disperse funds to cover all expenses. This member shall consult with the President to propose the annual projected budget prior to each fiscal year. The Finance Director shall maintain the membership and bill new members as they join the club. A quarterly balance sheet shall be published in the newsletter along with the progressing budget.

Communications Director - This member will publish the monthly Carboy newsletter. The Carboy calendar will be maintained and published monthly so that all activities of the club can be enjoyed by members. This director will provide, with assistance, all communications for members and other homebrewing organizations.

Section 3- Removal

Any member of the executive committee may be removed by a majority vote of the regular members. Such a vote must be recommended by the executive committee and voted on only after a notification is published in the monthly newsletter.

Section 4- Officer Resignation

If an officer resigns from the executive committee, the executive committee shall appoint a member to serve out the remaining term.

Article V- Nonprofit Organization

Section 1-Status

Carboy is a nonprofit organization. However, this does not give us a tax exemption under the Internal Revenue Service codes. Carboy may apply for and receive this status at a later time.

Article VI- Calendar Year

Section 1- Calendar

Dues are paid annually from July 1-June 30. Dues for both regular members and associate members shall be paid prior to July 1 each fiscal year. Dues for new members who join after one-half of the calendar year shall pay 75% of the annual dues unless approved otherwise by the executive committee.

Article VII- Dues

Section 1- Calendar

Dues are to be paid annually by July 1. Dues are set by the executive committee and approved by the membership. Dues must be paid for the full fiscal year except as provided in Article VI. The dues for a single regular member includes that member and one other family member who is at least 21 and sharing the same household.

Section 2- Form

Dues will be collected by the finance director in cash, money order or check.

Section 3- Reporting

The finance director shall report the financial status of the club quarterly and this report will be published in the newsletter.

Article VII- Meetings

Section 1- Meeting of Members

Members shall meet at least monthly unless otherwise proposed by the executive committee.

Section 2- Meeting Procedures

Roberts "Rules of Order" shall generally govern all meetings of the club.

Section 3- Executive Committee

The executive committee shall meet quarterly to provide direction and long-range planning for the club. The executive committee shall meet at the beginning of each year to develop a set of goals for the next year and publish these goals in the newsletter. The executive committee should meet as often as needed to provide the members with a excellent program.

Article IX- Committees

Section 1- Definitions

Committees for Education, Social Activities, Finance, Communications, and Competitions shall be standing committees. The president shall appoint a chairman for the Competitions committee. Other standing committees may be chaired by officers on the executive committee or a chairman may be selected by the committee.

Section 2- Special Projects

The president shall appoint committee chairman for other events as the need arises. A Nominating Committee shall be established each year to propose to the club a slate of officers for the next year. Other committees may include any special events that the club proposes.

Section 3- Committee Members

In order to involve as many members as possible in the operation of the club, each committee chairman of a standing committee shall appoint 2-4 members to assist with their assigned club duties. Committees should meet at least twice each year to fulfill these duties.

Article X- By-Law Changes

Section 1-Acceptance

The by-laws shall be accepted at the time of adoption by a two- thirds vote of regular members after it is published in the Carboy newsletter.

Section 2- Procedures for Change

Any member may petition for a change to the By-Laws. When changes are proposed, the changes must be presented in writing and introduced at a regular monthly meeting. The proposed changes shall be published in the next monthly newsletter and voted on at the next monthly meeting. A majority vote of all regular members is required in order to make the By-Law change.
It's not a popularity contest, it's beer!