Shamrock Open XXX - March 8, 2025
Thank you for your interest in the Shamrock Open XXX - March 8, 2025 organized by
, Clouds Brewing Taproom.You only need to register your information once and can return to this site to enter more brews or edit the brews you've entered. You can even pay your entry fees online if you wish.
Entry Registration is Open
260 entries have been added to the system as of 3:07 AM, EST, Tuesday, February 11, 2025.
242 paid entries are in the system as of 3:07 AM, EST, Tuesday, February 11, 2025.
To add your entries into the system, please proceed through the registration process or log in if you already have an account.
Judge and Steward Registration is Open
If you have not registered and are willing to be a volunteer, please register.
If you have registered, log in and then choose Edit Account from the My Account menu indicated by the icon on the top menu.
Shamrock Open is an AHA/BJCP sanctioned event and open to all homebrewers with the primary goal to provided applicable feedback for Brewers to make better homecrafted beer.
Entries will be evaluated using the 2021 BJCP Style Guidelines.
All Styles in the 34 Beer Categories of the BJCP Style Guidelines will be accepted. Mead and Cider Categories will not be accepted.
Entries will be submitted by Style and evaluated based on that specific Style Guideline.
Styles will be assigned to Flights based Style/Category entry count, Style Family and Judge resources. Categories with a low entry count (<5) will be combined with a Category of similar styles (if at all possible). A Category with a high entry count will be conducted under a mini-BOS format and/or spread across multiple sub-category Flights.
The Judge Director will assign Judge Pairs and Flight assignments, matching experience levels and individual strengths and preferences.
Judge Pairs will individually evaluate, discuss, notate and score each Entry. Entries in a Flight will be ranked by their average Judge Pair score. Each flight will have at least one BJCP judge.
Best of Show evaluation will be conducted by five senior BJCP Judges immediately following the conclusion of the second session.
Judge and Steward experience points will be reported to the BJCP.
Results and Awards
See 'INFO - Awards' section
Entry Acceptance Rules
Number of Bottles Required Per Entry: 2
An Entry will consist of:
- Entrant is from the United States. We are unable to accept entries from outside of the US.
- Completed on-line entry form
- Entry fee submitted via PayPal
- Two (2) Containers … bottles or cans (don’t mix container type for an Entry)
- Completed Shamrock Open BOTTLE LABEL FORM, as printed from the Registration Page, attached to each container with a rubber band.
- Received/dropped off at one of the listed Drop-Off locations by the Closing Date time deadline - please allow for transit time and HBS hours of operation. Late receipts will not be eligible for judging.
- A cap of 300 PAID entries will be monitored for Judge availability. It will be increased if sufficient Judge commitments are in hand.
- If you enter a beer but wait to pay, please note that your entry might be lost once 300 paid entries are received.
Individual Brewers are limited to 12 Entries. This complies with the Southeastern Homebrewers Association SHA By-Laws for competitions.
Only one Entry per Style is permitted. [example: You can have one entry in 21A and one in 21C but you can’t have two in 21A or two in 21C].
Be meticulous about noting any special ingredients that must be specified for a particular Style. See section 'INFO - BJCP 2021 Styles Accepted' for hyperlinked styles. Failure to note such ingredients may impact the Judges' scoring of the entry.
Container specs
- Bottles must be plain brown or green glass, 10 to 16 ounces in volume, crown capped. Use of brown, long-neck, 12oz bottles is encouraged but not required.
- Cans must be plain aluminum, 12 to 16 ounces in volume, no extraneous markings.
- All containers for an Entry must be the same.
- All Entries will be free of markings or unique identification and will be labeled as described below.
- Bottles, cans and caps must be free of anything which is sufficiently unique that could identify a Brewer to a Judge. This may include raised lettering, labels, unique bottle shapes or the like. Bottle caps will have any distinguishing marks completely blacked out.
- No swing-top bottles.
- Reusable containers, including “Carbonator” type devices CAN NOT be returned.
- Bottles/Cans not meeting these guidelines will be disqualified and ineligible for award. At the discretion of the Organizer, disqualified bottles/cans may be evaluated and scoresheets provided to the Brewer.
- The competition organizers are not responsible for a Brewer's mis-categorized entry, shipped entries that are not received by the entry deadline, or entries that arrived damaged.
** The Registered Brewer is transferring custody and liability of their Entry to the Homebrew Shop and subsequently to the Shamrock Competition. The Shamrock Competition will collect, transfer, store and deliver the Homebrew Entries to the competition site **
Competition Official
You can send an email to any of the following individuals via Contact.
- Jennie Mellor — Competition Coordinator